Articles | Hair

The hair is the crown on our head and for a good reason is considered the pinnacle of the feminine beauty, hence proper attendance is in place. Each one of us desires and is enchanted by healthy, shiny and vigorous hair. The problem begins when we “try too hard” resulting in sabotage of our hair by straightening it, drying it, frequent keratin hair smoothing, dying and brightening, etc.
As in every year, there are leading and varying trends in the hair design fashion. The concept of beauty is forever dynamic and alternating and we make it our aim to keep ourselves up to date with the most cutting edge styles. But first and foremost, prior to being chic, we put great care into finding your own personal hairstyle through a diagnosis process of the quality of your hair, the shade which harmonizes with your skin tone and the matching of the hairstyle to your facial bone structure.
Moreover, as your grand day approaches we shall guide you with various tips and advice for the best way to take care of your hair- whether and when to trim the ends, how to treat hair shedding and more.
Deciding upon the style of the dress is inseparable from the hair design choice. For example, if the chosen dress is of vintage style, a slightly loose hairdo should be favored over a tight updo which is better suited for a queen style dress.
The range of possible hairstyles is wide- beginning with the neat or tousled vintage look, through the changing positions of the coiffure’s center (high at the top of the head, at the back of the head or low and centered on the nape), to the neat brushed and wavy loose style, or the wavy beach look, BaByliss with multiple techniques and types of curling, half-down hairdos, interweaving, braiding, and more.
You will always be welcome to bring forward your own inspirations and preferences about the way you look. We are here to guide you, to coordinate and help you arrive to the right choice that synchronizes with the character of the dress, your bone structure and your personality.
On the day of the wedding, the hairdo construction takes about one and a half to two hours. Even the natural style is created or replicated. In most cases, an “infrastructure” is prepared through the hair rollers technique in order to add basic volume for the hair.
Once we have mastered this process, the hair can be shaped and manipulated as putty in our hands. This procedure is intended to avoid a flatlined state of hair and avoid unneeded appliance of hair products. We want to maintain a dry, natural and soft look rather than the sprayed and glistering look. The cutting edge hair products which we work with help us to accomplish this goal.
In the last two years, hair extensions have most elegantly intertwined into almost every hairstyle, mainly due to the fashion of adding braids to the hairdo. Hair extensions must accurately blend with the hair color, and should be made of natural hair in order not to be noticed. Remember ladies that we are striking in our pure form! The wispy style has also sneaked in among the leading looks of 2015 and today is even purposefully created.
A great tip, known only to some, is washing the hair on the day before the event, brushing and letting it dry naturally. This allows the hair to gain further resilience and to more easily achieve volume when it is being rolled.
Many women ask me about the durability of the hairdo after hearing horror stories of coiffures that fell apart during the wedding and even at the beginning of the event. More information about this subject will follow. Unlike in the case of the makeup, most hairstyle designers do not do a hair design tryout but only “demonstrate” the style since the constructing of the hairdo takes between an hour and a half to two hours (also the natural and messy ones).
In our boutique, like all first-rate professionals, a top-quality hair stylist will apply the best and most cutting- edge products. This still does not guarantee the hairdo’s durability throughout a whole evening of dancing. The best method is (something we ask our clients to do once we have completed styling their hair, and it’s a must!) a good shake from side to side and if a loose spot is detected it will immediately be fastened with an additional pin… anyways there are lots of them. It is imperative that the pins will be obscurely attached as to lend the coiffure a natural and soft look.
The niche of hair accessories has greatly progressed and today is an inseparable component of any hairdo. It is important to understand that this kind of accessorizing can diverge our entire appearance to a whole different direction.
The professional term for “style/look” is “styling”, and more and more women have become aware of it. Any small accessory that we add to our appearance has a saying of its own, and therefore, it is recommended that you consult with the designer about the “styling” that will accurately go along with your chosen dress. Errors can be very easily made. For example: the dress is a chiffon flowing dress while we actually aimed for a soft and rustic look, or the addition of a metal- leaves pin will generate an image of a Greek/Roman look while natural flowers can better achieve the aspired look, and so on.
In summary, the key point of the whole professional styling process is to get you to the finish line where you look at yourself in the mirror and LOVE the way you look.
We invite you to make contact and consult with us.